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Optimization of surface energy measurement for comparison of adhesive and substrate

Test verschiedener Oberflächenenergiemessungen mittels Goniometer und Tensiometer und Überprüfung der Sinnhaftigkeit der Ergebnisse an Hand von Literaturwerten. Optimierung der Methoden hinsichtlich der Standarabweichung.

Ihre Aufgaben / Ablauf:

  • Literaturrecherche nach Materialkennwerten
  • Laborversuche
  • Auswertung der Ergebnisse


During a training course, you will learn the basics of bonding technology and introduced to this very interesting and diversified topic. All systems and devices of the Engineering Department are available for the preparation of the final papers.

We are looking forward to your commitment, creativity and willingness to help us design new processes in various industries, such as microelectronics, consumer electronics, automotive, etc.

DELO is keen on hiring good interns after their graduation.

Apply for the job using our online application form.


Receive the marked data sheets and safety data sheets by e-mail

*) Pflichtfeld

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