Academy News


Supports of Successful German Hyperloop Team

DELO sponsors WARR Hyperloop, the successful Hyperloop team of the Technical University of Munich. The company provides the adhesives used in the pod drive and the DELO Academy supports the team with consulting services and training in bonding technology. ...more

Schools are pleased about 240 new lab coats

When there is hissing and banging in chemistry classes, personal clothing don´t have to get dirty and the skin must be protected. That’s why wearing laboratory coats is extremely important for experiments. Recently, the DELO Academy has donated 240 lab coats to schools in Landsberg and the ...more

Hands-on Adhesive Training in the MakerSpace

DELO is now present with a bonding station in the MakerSpace. ...more

Racing Team of DHBW Stuttgart sprints towards DELO

On March 1, 2016, 12 students of the University of Stuttgart visited DELO for a joint exchange of experience. ...more

That sticks!

Mobile phones, wind power systems, e-cars, aircrafts – hardly any innovative item can do without adhesives. In ordinary life, however, the knowledge of how to correctly bond is not very widespread so that bathroom hooks have come off walls in many households for sure. Therefore, DELO has taken an ...more

„Türen auf mit der Maus“

Interessierte Kinder und Eltern können sich am 3.10.2021 per Livestream ins Klebstoff-Labor von DELO schalten. Das Familienunternehmen beteiligt sich am bundesweiten Aktionstag „Türen auf mit der Maus“ und zeigt unter anderem, was Bastelkleber von Industrieklebstoffen unterscheidet. ...more

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